вторник, 30 ноября 2010 г.

Richard St. John's 8 secrets of success

Hello, dear Lyudmila Vladimirovna, my colleagues and other readers of the Blog. My fifth message will be connected with the topic of the fourth lesson «Language of small business». It is «Success». Though the record heard by me lasts only 4 minutes, I like it so much and completely going to tell you about it.
Here is the reference: http:// www.ted.com/talks/richard_st_john_s_8_secrets_of_success.html
            Richard's speech was very fast for me; so I had to listen to this record 3 times. The animation helped me completely understand all that has been told by Richard. Without the animation I wouldn't understand approximately 10-20 % of the text. By the way, after the second and third listening I wrote down the basic thoughts of the man that helped me to retell the story.
            Richard tells that «Richard 8 secrets of success» have arisen some years ago. He was flying in the plane to TED conference. The schoolgirl was sitting near him and she asked how to achieve the success. Richard couldn't answer this question. After that the man arrived to TED conference and started to ask all successful people «what exactly leads to success». So, «8 secrets of success of Richard»:
            1) Passion. You should be engaged in affairs, do the business with love instead of for the sake of money. If you do the affairs with love, money will come to you.
            2) Work. It is necessary to work assiduously. Nothing comes without the effort. You should take pleasure during the work.
            3) Good. Alex Gorden tells: «For being successful, you have to choose something one and become the best in it». Practice, practice, practice.
            4) Focus. You should concentrate on the most important thing.
            5) Push. It is necessary to overcome yourself in all vital aspects, to overcome shyness, fear, uncertainty, laziness etc.
            6) Serve. In Richard’s opinion you should serve only to yourself and give something valuable to others. Only in this case you will become successful and will earn a lot of money.
            7) Ideas. There is no magic in the arising of each idea. It is necessary to do the simplest things. Only in this case you will become successful, as Bill Gates, for example.
             8) Persist. It is the most important part of our success. You should pass through failures, through CRAP =)
            As Richard says if you follow these 8 steps, you will become successful without any fail.
            In my opinion, this man is right. These 8 steps are the most important things for the way to you success, especially passion and persist.
            Thanks for attention.

суббота, 6 ноября 2010 г.

Michael Pritchard's water filter

            Hello, dear Lyudmila Vladimirovna, my colleagues and other readers of the Blog. My fourth message will be connected with the last blog in which about Coca-Cola and world problems was told. How is it possible to solve all these problems? Today I want to talk about possible ways of improvement of people life on the earth. One of the most important problems on the earth is the problem of drinking water. Here the reference: http://www.ted.com/talks/michael_pritchard_invents_a_water_filter.html
            I have listened to the Michael speech two times. At the first listening 95 % of the information was clear for me, his speech was accurate enough, not fast and, in my opinion, interesting. All of it has helped me to understand (without any problems) all that has been told by Michael.
            After the second listening I wrote down the basic thoughts and actions of the man. It helped me to retell the story in short way.
            At the beginning of Michael speech he speaks about scales of a drinking water problem. Very big quantity of people suffers from shortage of water, or drink the dirty, infected water.
            The governments of the countries speak a lot about this problem, but practically do nothing for its solving. Michael explains it that scales of this problem are too big and just all people are afraid of it and don't want to be engaged in it. Each 5 minutes four children die because of the use of poor-quality potable water in the world.
            But the man has tried to solve this question and has invented “Lifesaver”. Michael explains from the scientific point of view that through the filter invented by him no deadly and dangerous bacteria can go.
            After that hi passes to demonstration of the invention. Michael takes water from the river, adds dirt to it, sand, seaweed and so on. Then the man drops this water through his filter and receives clean, not infected potable water.
            Such small bottle can be used for 6000 liters of water. This invention will help to save with water deliveries, to avoid a basis of various camps (during natural disasters) and to save a great sum of money for potable water clarifications.
            Also Michael has invented the canister which can contain 25000 liters of water without filter changing. And the running cost of it is only 0,5 cent per day. It will be possible to reduce number of people suffering from shortage of potable water. And all dying people will live.
            In my opinion, this excellent invention is needed to be financed a lot. If it is so the great number of suffering people on the planet will decrease. Governments should develop similar inventions, instead of wasting money for useless actions and things. If struggle with a potable water problem by old methods it will be impossible to save African countries from this drinking "illness".
            Thanks for attention.

пятница, 5 ноября 2010 г.

What nonprofits can learn from Coca-Cola

           Hello, dear Lyudmila Vladimirovna, my colleagues and other readers of the Blog. For my third message here I have chosen a record from http:// www.ted.com. This record corresponds to topic «international market (Brand)». Here is the reference:
            I have chosen this particular record because the considerable quantity of problems is discussed on it and these problems are very important in our days. For example, it is the poorness of developing countries; the problem of improvement of people living conditions on the planet; brand promotion in the world market and its influence on associates.
            When I had listened the record the first time I have caught the general essence of the woman’s speech and have paid attention to the several facts which are important for understanding the text. It is possible to say that I did not understand only about 20 % of the text because of the fluent speech and some words which were unfamiliar for me. At the second listening I concentrated the attention to those parts of the speech which I haven't understood for the first time.
            And finely, at the third listening I have decided to listen to this tape partially for writing down some aspects of the speech, including things because of which the Coca-Cola Company became a world brand and extended even in the poor African countries.
            I will try to tell the maintenance of the record very shortly as its extent constitutes 16 minutes and it will be very difficult to tall all details of the speech in the Blog frameworks.
            In the beginning of this record the acting woman (her name hasn't been given) tolled that she worked at the Gates Foundation and often traveled all over the world. Onсe she was travelling around the African countries, across India and so on. She saw nothing except poverty. In these countries was absolutely nothing, there was no water, no electricity... BUT!!! There is the Coca-Cola!!! Coca-Cola was absolutely in each country even in such country as Ethiopia.
            The woman is indignant that instead of vaccination, condoms, medicines and etc the harmful Coca-Cola is extended there. She is surprised why the state and whole world allows it to occur. Why in those countries where people die because of shortage of medicines, this drink is imported instead of tablets and so on.
            This woman believes that the success of Coca-Cola is needed to be studied and accumulated into development of other different industries. If to achieve the same success as Coca-Cola it will be possible to save lives of African children, to reduce number of poor people.
            Our business woman allocates 3 things which have helped Coca-Cola to be promoted in such way and become a world brand:
-         they take real-time data and immediately feed it back into the product;
-         they tap into local entrepreneurial talent;
-         they do incredible marketing.
            It is very interesting that the woman gives an example an official hymn of the World Football Cup 2010 in Africa. Where are words like «give you freedom, give you fire, give you reason, take you higher» and so on… It seems that this song is about football, but it is an embedded advertizing of Coca-Cola too and it is possible to apprehend ambiguously the words of this song.
            In the conclusion of the speech, the woman says that it is very important to direct the energies and "advertizing" in the write way and then (it is possible) a lot of world problems become less.
            To tell the truth, I hate the Coca-Cola Company and their drinks. It is very unhealthy. So I absolutely agree with the opinion of this woman.
            Thanks for attention.