вторник, 30 ноября 2010 г.

Richard St. John's 8 secrets of success

Hello, dear Lyudmila Vladimirovna, my colleagues and other readers of the Blog. My fifth message will be connected with the topic of the fourth lesson «Language of small business». It is «Success». Though the record heard by me lasts only 4 minutes, I like it so much and completely going to tell you about it.
Here is the reference: http:// www.ted.com/talks/richard_st_john_s_8_secrets_of_success.html
            Richard's speech was very fast for me; so I had to listen to this record 3 times. The animation helped me completely understand all that has been told by Richard. Without the animation I wouldn't understand approximately 10-20 % of the text. By the way, after the second and third listening I wrote down the basic thoughts of the man that helped me to retell the story.
            Richard tells that «Richard 8 secrets of success» have arisen some years ago. He was flying in the plane to TED conference. The schoolgirl was sitting near him and she asked how to achieve the success. Richard couldn't answer this question. After that the man arrived to TED conference and started to ask all successful people «what exactly leads to success». So, «8 secrets of success of Richard»:
            1) Passion. You should be engaged in affairs, do the business with love instead of for the sake of money. If you do the affairs with love, money will come to you.
            2) Work. It is necessary to work assiduously. Nothing comes without the effort. You should take pleasure during the work.
            3) Good. Alex Gorden tells: «For being successful, you have to choose something one and become the best in it». Practice, practice, practice.
            4) Focus. You should concentrate on the most important thing.
            5) Push. It is necessary to overcome yourself in all vital aspects, to overcome shyness, fear, uncertainty, laziness etc.
            6) Serve. In Richard’s opinion you should serve only to yourself and give something valuable to others. Only in this case you will become successful and will earn a lot of money.
            7) Ideas. There is no magic in the arising of each idea. It is necessary to do the simplest things. Only in this case you will become successful, as Bill Gates, for example.
             8) Persist. It is the most important part of our success. You should pass through failures, through CRAP =)
            As Richard says if you follow these 8 steps, you will become successful without any fail.
            In my opinion, this man is right. These 8 steps are the most important things for the way to you success, especially passion and persist.
            Thanks for attention.

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