суббота, 4 декабря 2010 г.

Richard St. John: "Success is a continuous journey"

Hello, dear Lyudmila Vladimirovna, my colleagues and other readers of the Blog. My sixth message like the previous one will be connected with the topic «Success». It is the continuation of the first Richard's speech. Here is the reference: http://www.ted.com/talks/richard_st_john_success_is_a_continuous_journey.html
            This time, unlike the previous Richard's speech, I listened to the tape only once. Surprisingly, but I’ve got everything what was said by this man. Animation, jokes etc. all of this was the same like during the first Richard's speech. As you have already guessed I understood 100% of information from this tape.
            “Why do so many people reach success and then fail? One of the big reasons is we think success is a one-way street” - Richard starts his speech. People do everything to achieve the success. But after they reach it they just stop to do something else (that made them successful). And it does not take long to go downhill. The same situation happened to Richard:
            He worked hard and so on but after his success he just stopped. Richard was enough good at coming up with ideas but after he had stopped doing anything hi lost this ability. “Reaching success I always focused on clients and projects and ignored the money. Then all this money started pouring in” - says Richard. Reaching success he always did that he really liked, but after the reaching success Richard got into stuff he did not like. His business got worse and “it did not take long for business to drop like a rock”.
            But this was it for Richard. He went back to doing the projects he really liked. It takes him 7 years to make the business grow bigger than ever. He understood that success isn’t a one way street, it is a continuous journey.
            If we want to avoid “success to failure syndrome” we just keep following these 8 principles (about which was talked in the previous Blog) because it is the only how we can achieve our success.
            Thanks for attention.

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